Holi 2023

We all are excited for upcoming Holi in 2023. Today, I am going to tell you why we celebrate Holi.

We all know Holi is festival of colours but the reason behind why is celebrate holi is...

As per legends & according to Bhagwat Puran, King Hiranyakashipu (The King of Asuras) who cannot be killed by man nor animal. Arrogantly demanded everyone to worship him as Gods.

The King's son, Prahlad disagreed and remain to keep worshiping Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakashipu has gone furious and subjected cruel punishment to his son.

Holika, The King's sister, she cleverly tricked him to sitting on a pyre with her.

She protect herself with a cloak and Prahlada was exposed. And when the fire blazed, cloak flew from her body and protected Prahlad. Which saved his life. 

Later, Vishnu appeared in avatar of Lord Narsimha, half lion & half man. Lord killed the king.

And the reason why we celebrate holi with Holika bonfire. Which states to end of an evil.

And as per another legend Lord Krishna had  a  blue skin colour after Putana, a demon, poisoned Lord Krishna with her breast milk.

Krishna worriyng if fair-skinned Radha and her friends would ever like him because of his dark skin.

Krishna's mother then told  him to approach Radha and put colours on her face. 

The playful colouring turned out as a tradition and now, a festival observed as Holi emerged.